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Kojak mouse is not just for bald people


It is often said of the dead as either good or nothing. The Kojak Poker Mice are not dead, so we can say something bad about them.

Kojak mouse is not just for bald people 1

Let's start with the little one! The evaluation is quite mixed, as on the one hand, the thought of buying one rides in me, and on the other hand, the idea that I have long seen a mouse that looks so cheap. The idea is phenomenal, the execution is poor to medium. True, the price isn't peppered either, and whoever buys it will get a dollar worth about a thousand forints to the Full Tilt Poker room, so if we subtract that, a very friendly number will wink from the ticket. Once I wasn’t happy with it, why do I say I’m thinking about shopping? Yeah, that's a catchy question. I’m testing all sorts of miracle hardware here every week of the year, so I’m slowly getting sweet too bitter. So that means I may be spoiled for quality. Plus, the shape and use of the mouse is something quite wonderful and comfortable. True, I dare to recommend it for multi-table use only for fear, but watching a single table in a multi-hour tournament proved to be an awfully good tool. I just get less tired than using a regular mouse. I have a harmful passion, I like to sip delicious red wines during long races. Sipping is strictly understood here, it’s not good to squeak while playing poker. So the point is that the other night I leaned back in my chair the other night, the mouse on my finger, the glass on the other, and I felt very comfortable, even my feet were on the table. 🙂 That's why I'm thinking about shopping!

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The larger mouse also receives a mixed rating. As I wrote this structure is due to the assembly and the optical sensor due to light years ahead of the small one. However, he has two flaws that make him not even sure I’d buy him, and not the cheaper piece. One of my and remediable problems with it was that there was a sensor on the side as well, so when I laid my hand on my lap while playing, it sometimes sensed my pants as well, causing the mouse pointer to climb away. There is a cure for this problem, a simple piece of black duct tape will help with the problem. My other trouble was that he wanted to slip out of my hands. The buttons are recessed at the top, if I use the top button there is no problem. On the other hand, if I lower the bottom, I lift my index finger a little from the button so that I don't press it, which in turn tries to find a grip on the lower tapered part, and from that the whole structure starts to slip out of my hand. To remedy this, it could have been at least some ribbing on the bottom half of the handle, or the cover could have been rubberized.

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What is my brief opinion on mice? Let’s start with the most important, despite my criticisms above, I think both are worth the price. The smaller one is specifically recommended for poker, but is more than perfect for it. The larger one can already be used for other tasks as it is much more advanced. They are certainly not flawless, but for the purpose for which they are recommended they are impeccable and I really haven’t found a better solution to poker than these mice yet. For me, combining the two mice would bring Canaan. If the small one got its big precise operation I would be willing to spend more money for it, so I have to be content with the medium quality and price, because for sure I can’t give up on the comfort it provides after that.

The controllers for the test were obtained from the domestic distributor of Kojak Mice, whose website is available at:

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in cooperation with Kojak Mouse, and Poker News we are planning two free poker tournaments where you will be able to start for free and win Kojak mice. There will be three mice per race, for a total of six mice. If you are interested in this offer, then click HEREand sign up on the Poker News page to receive a timely newsletter with the exact details of the tournaments.

About the Author


Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.