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Tried it - Motospeed Inflictor CK104 keyboard

Tried it - Motospeed Inflictor CK104 keyboard

In the article, you got pictures of the keyboard, so I think it came down to you that you are getting a very flashy accessory here. Really, but seriously, not only in the pictures, but also in the hands, one has the feeling that we are not catching an average piece of hardware, but something really cool.

Motospeed Inflictor CK104 1

There is only one drawback during use, and that is that there are no accented keys. It could be glued together, but then the illumination of the keys would not be true. It’s good to write this article myself on an English keyboard without accented letters, so I didn’t have a problem with this thing, but for others it can be confusing. Maybe the only thing that helps is that this is a gamer widget, you rarely need e.g. the letter ü. No? But!

Motospeed Inflictor CK104 7

The backlight, the RGB LEDs are really cool, but to tell you the truth, I only used them until I tried what they know. The only thing that worked in the long run was the weakening, intensifying, pulsating lighting, also with the brightness removed. It came in somehow. Of course, tastes and slaps are different, as we know. Slapping with this keyboard, for example, is almost guaranteed to be in prison, so don’t just use it for gaming.

Motospeed Inflictor CK104 21

As usual, the price remained at the end. If, looking at the pictures, you thought, well, that’s definitely not enough for me, then I have to disappoint. The price of the Motospeed Inflictor CK104 has been ranging between $ 40 and $ 50 since I watched it, at the time of writing this article is $ 44, which is just over $ 12 among friends. This price for the Motospeed Inflictor CK104 is not only worth it, it is well worth it, so if you liked ask for one from Jesus or the bunny, depending on when you read the article!

To avoid having to earn a lot, click here to buy: Motospeed Inflictor CK104 youtube and review

About the Author


Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.