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Tried it - Motospeed Inflictor CK104 keyboard

Tried it - Motospeed Inflictor CK104 keyboard

The Motospeed keyboard looks very good. The aluminum cover creates a very high quality and high-tech effect. These are important things, but not more important than the quality of the operation. The twist would be if I wrote now that there was something wrong with that. However, I don’t write this, I can’t even write it, as I can’t have a bad word about how it works. The feeling of tapping the keys is exactly what we need to feel with a mechanical solution! The keys go a long way, the feedback is very accurate when you type, and you can actually type with far fewer errors.

Of course, it's also true that it's a gamer keyboard, so we're going to type little on this, so there's a lot of pressure on the lat that we'll feel the keystroke exactly so the game will be more precise to control. However, the “boom” for this keyboard is not only that it is mechanical, but also that the keys are backlit, not just whatever, RGB LEDs peak under the keys.

Motospeed Inflictor CK104 16

Motospeed Inflictor CK104 17

Motospeed Inflictor CK104 18

Motospeed Inflictor CK104 19

Motospeed Inflictor CK104 20 

First, it’s important to mention that five game genders are pre-programmed with keyboard backlighting. Whether it’s a simulator, strategy, or FPS, we get the lighting for the most commonly used button combinations, as you can see above.

However, the real funny feeling is not even this, but the different lighting modes. We get six basic colors from the base, by combining which we can then create many kinds of light effects.

Motospeed Inflictor CK104 15

Motospeed Inflictor CK104 14

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Motospeed Inflictor CK104 11

Motospeed Inflictor CK104 10

You also get pictures of the basic colors, as you can see, but the effects are more worth watching on video, and since we also make this as a broadcast on HOC TV, you have won cases.

Click here for the video: HOC TV - Motospeed Inflictor CK104 tutorial

The last features of the keyboard are the function keys. It’s an extra that isn’t really extra anymore. Fifteen years ago, a multimedia keyboard was still a major innovation, but today it is almost an expectation.

Motospeed Inflictor CK104 22

The usual buttons can be found here, such as volume control, mute and quick launch of various applications. At the touch of a button, the default media player, e-mail program, or default browser starts. So just like we used to on a normal keyboard.

About the Author


Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.