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We tried: Archos tablet L to XXL

We tried: Archos tablet L to XXL

We tried to smuggle a lot of good quality pictures into the article so that you too can see what handsome boards Archos makes. Plus, these images haven’t gone through Photoshop, they really are like that in real life.

{japopup type = ”image” content = ”images / stories / articles / s3nki / archos / 70_1.jpg” width = ”500 ″ title =” Archos 70 Internet Tablet ”}Tried: Archos tablet L to XXL 1{/ japopup}

What can we say in summary about Archos products? Unfortunately, they are not flawless because, for example, the difficulty of rotating an image can be quite annoying. We are already doing better if we turn off this feature.

In other respects, however, we were happy to use the boards. They also came to the garden and to the bed, the net and our current reading were always there with us. And when we felt like it, we played on them. The benefits of Android need not be demonstrated. It is the most customizable of today's advanced systems. This operating system binds our hands the least by default. True, an iOS can be tweaked, but there are many who don’t like to patch software to make it usable. So Android is a big advantage, especially when it comes to a laptop, PDA or tablet.

Tried: Archos tablet L to XXL 2

Unfortunately, Android Market is not available by default for Archos. True, there is a solution to the problem, but it cannot be called official. However, it is important to mention that there is a market of its own called AppsLib, in which we find a lot of programs, usually the more popular software of the Android Market.

For our part, we also missed the built-in GPS. True, the software is prepared to connect an external GPS, but the perfect one would still be an integrated solution, which would also mean that we could have a ready-made navigation system.

As we wrote, we were perfectly satisfied with the assembly of the devices and the quality of the covers. It also deserves a very big red point that all three boards have a backrest with which we can place them on the table. so they are really perfect for watching movies and, if we can set it up, also for video telephony.

{japopup type = ”image” content = ”images / stories / articles / s3nki / archos / 43_1.jpg” width = ”500 ″ title =” Archos 43 Internet Tablet ”}Tried: Archos tablet L to XXL 3{/ japopup}

Speaking of video calling, it’s important to mention that this capability is only true for the 7- and 10-inch models because with the 4-inch, the camera is on the back. This disadvantage has the advantage that while the resolution of the front-facing cameras cannot be called a combo, we are able to capture 720p videos with the back-panel.

{japopup type = ”image” content = ”images / stories / articles / s3nki / archos / 43_4.jpg” width = ”500 ″ title =” Archos 43 Internet Tablet ”}Tried: Archos tablet L to XXL 4{japapup} Overall, we can say that the Archos machines are not perfect, but for the money they cost, we know no better. Just for the sake of comparison, we can buy a two-and-a-half 2-inch Archos for the price of an iPad10, and that price difference is significant, so much so that we’re able to overlook even the small bugs. This is especially true if we simply cannot afford to spend 150-200 thousand for a tablet.

When browsing the retail prices of Archos products, there are two things to keep in mind. One is that although we liked the 7-inch size the most, the one-inch 10-inch piece is not quite 10 thousand forints more expensive. Another noteworthy fact is that there is also an entry-level Archos model, which is a 10-inch, did not receive a multitouch display and its processor is weaker, although at the same time the gross retail price is only 47 HUF. This is already really scrubbing the incredibly cheap level.

The final question is whether it is worth spending our hard-earned forints on an Archos board! The answer is that if we need such a machine and we are interested in this 40-70 thousand forint category, then definitely. Tablet teased crap is usually written to be suitable for getting to know the tablet. We wouldn't accidentally describe Archos machines like this, as they are full-fledged, excellent-to-use structures. Sure, they’re perfect for getting to know each other, but they won’t be a disappointment for those who haven’t started using Android today either. We can only recommend them!

Tried: Archos tablet L to XXL 5
Archos 70 Internet Tablet

Tried: Archos tablet L to XXL 6
Archos tablets

Archos Internet Tablets a From Bluechip arrived for the test, thanks for it! You can find the latest prices at the following link: Bluechip, Archos tablets

About the Author


Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.