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We tried: Archos tablet L to XXL

We tried: Archos tablet L to XXL

{japopup type = ”image” content = ”images / stories / articles / s3nki / archos / 101_7.jpg” width = ”500 ″ title =” Archos 101 Internet Tablet ”}Tried: Archos tablet L to XXL 1{/ japopup}


As you can read above, it took about a week and a half to peel the devices, and we used that time to the fullest.

Let's see their gadgets! Since the central unit is the same in speed there are no differences. The Quadrant program was used to measure the speed. This is not a professional solution, but it is used by many people, making it easier to compare performance to other devices. So the point is that the total scores for all three devices ranged from 1100 to 1200.

Needless to say, I also tried a few games, I didn’t miss the angry birds either. Fortunately, the programs tested ran smoothly. At the same time, however, I found a problem that I couldn’t figure out. This is nothing more than rotating the screen in line with the rotation of the device. For some strange reason, the rotation sometimes slowed down so much that I had to wait 10-15 seconds for the image to turn after the machine.

Another black dot deserves the displays. They are impeccable from the front, but the viewing angles are not very large. Even with a relatively small tilt, colors are distorted and the image turns gray. Sunshine is not recommended during use either, as we are dealing with a normal TFT LCD display. We pick up the brightness in vain, if there is a lot of light in the environment, we will not see much.

{japopup type = ”image” content = ”images / stories / articles / s3nki / archos / 70_4.jpg” width = ”500 ″ title =” Archos 70 Internet Tablet ”}Tried: Archos tablet L to XXL 2{/ japopup}

Sadly, we found that none of the boards had GPS. True, we only began to feel this when we installed Google Maps. A Bluetooth GPS unit can be connected as a solution.

Archos products may seem to have only bad features, but that’s nowhere near that. For example, a red dot deserves that wireless networks can be accessed through an n-standard interface. The weight and size of the devices are not insignificant either, these figures are very favorable for all three, but you can also be sure of this from the tables on the previous page.

{japopup type = ”image” content = ”images / stories / articles / s3nki / archos / 70_2.jpg” width = ”500 ″ title =” Archos 70 Internet Tablet ”}Tried: Archos tablet L to XXL 3{/ japopup}

I also really liked the fact that we all have an HDMI output, and even a player program that allows us to switch to the external display with one click. With this solution, we can have a complete media center with us, wherever we go.

Keeping the software of the devices up to date is child's play, because if an update is received, you will be notified when you connect to the Internet. One click to download, another to update the software, the latest firmware is already installed.

{japopup type = ”image” content = ”images / stories / articles / s3nki / archos / 101_9.jpg” width = ”500 ″ title =” Archos 101 Internet Tablet ”}Tried: Archos tablet L to XXL 4{/ japopup}

One of the most important things left last, even, is that the 7- and 10-inch versions got a multitouch display. This is especially useful if you want to handle the slingshot in Angry Birds. 

The way it is used is strongly determined by the size of the devices. The 4-inch solution is essentially a larger PDA with a touch screen, you just can't make phone calls. Its usability is greatly reduced by its size. You can play on it, watch a movie or listen to music, but it’s hard to use for things like surfing the net or reading e-books, for example, at least compared to your bigger brothers.

Tried: Archos tablet L to XXL 5

For us, the middle, i.e. the 7-inch display, was my favorite. It’s not very big, it still fits in a bigger inner pocket, but it’s already big enough that we like to watch a movie on it and enjoy reading electronic content as well. In the same way, surfing was a pleasant experience on it, as the websites appear on it in an acceptable size. Maybe we don’t even have to say we played on it and it didn’t disappoint.

The largest piece with a 10-inch display is what we can already offer for work rather than entertainment, despite the fact that it has all the entertainment capabilities that your little ones have.

{japopup type = ”image” content = ”images / stories / articles / s3nki / archos / 43_2.jpg” width = ”500 ″ title =” Archos 43 Internet Tablet ”}Tried: Archos tablet L to XXL 6{/ japopup}

The big display is a blessing, but it affects portability in the wrong direction. A board this big will no longer fit in your jacket pocket, you will need a bag for that. Once we have solved this, it is a great experience to use. The keys on the virtual keyboard are large due to the size of the display, and typing on it is quick and easy. For this reason, it can be used well for taking notes, you can take it to school with your notes, or you can use it in a meeting or on a head expander. And when the break comes, we can be the center of the company with our gigantic game console.


About the Author


Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.