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Dangerous beauty Emma Watson

McAfee has compiled a list of the most dangerous celebrities. In first place is the well-known star of the Harry Potter movies.
Emma Watson
Emma Watson, a company known for its anti-virus solutions, says we need to be very careful, as we have a 12,6 percent chance of encountering malicious files while browsing about the actress. Unsurprisingly, the top ten members of the list are, without exception, attractive female celebrities, but the probable reason for this would not be detailed here now. In any case, it may be worth keeping in mind the following: opening or downloading content that promises to be exciting and striking about our favorite celebrity may not result in what we expected.
The list looks like this:
  • Emma Watson
  • Jessica Biel
  • Eva Mendes
  • Selena Gomez
  • Halle Berry
  • Megan Fox
  • Shakira
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Salma Hayek
  • Sofia Vergara

McAfee has always been compiling a list of the most dangerous celebrities for six years now. In order to cover a larger target group, cybercriminals prefer to hide their malicious applications behind some kind of image or video content that, in theory, the actor or singer they are looking for should be.

Finally, some findings about the research:

  • Women are much more dangerous than men.
  • Earning Latin women is a particularly risky thing to do.
  • Beware of supermodels!
  • Musicians are not particularly safe either.
  • Topicalities are by no means a big risk.

Source: McAfee


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