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Sennheiser has expanded its range with another headset

Renowned for its quality workmanship, the company offers the latest device in addition to portable players.

The accessory marketed with the "HD 238" model has an open structure, so the infiltration of external sound effects is not hindered by any passive noise filtering. Unfortunately, there is no electronic noise reduction process in the device either, so the device cannot be recommended for street use. The latter is not recommended by Sennheiser itself, but in light of this, it is questionable why the accessory was optimized for use with portable players. Apart from the existing contradiction, it is expected that there will be no problem with the capabilities of the “HD 238”; the use of a neodymium magnet and a low-resonance membrane guarantee this.

 Sennheiser has expanded its range with better headphones

The product can be purchased at a purchase price of approximately HUF 16.

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