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Intel - the current magic numbers: 45 and 1

Is the number one processor manufacturer getting stronger?

According to sources close to Intel, the company has already surpassed its one-millionth processor delivered at 45 nm. This is not a small number, especially not when we consider two things. One is that even 65nm CPUs carry a very significant weight in the market, the other is that AMD has only been able to produce 400 K000 processors.

Intel - the current magic numbers are 45 and 1

As Intel gets more and more up to the Penryn family, that number will grow - how long, only good God knows for now. One thing’s for sure: you have to tie up that certain thing to AMD if you want to stay on your feet, but we’ve said this so many times lately that you’re sure to come out on the elbow of the manufacturer.

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