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New Hungarian product on the computer market!

HOC: Have you thought in advance about when you can feel the work so far has been successful? Do you make this dependent on the number of units sold?

PETER: Not only does it depend on the number of pieces, but of course it is also important. The real success for us is that users will be really satisfied with these products and recommend them to others on forums and websites. If this is met, there should be no problem with the number of pieces sold.

New Hungarian product on the computer market! 1

HOC: As far as we know, the first products have already arrived to you. Is this true? If so, when can we meet them on store shelves, and do you already have information on which stores will start selling?

ADAM: We will start distributing within days.

We have already reached an agreement with 3Testőr and Aqua, but we are also negotiating with other retail partners.

HOC: We left an important question at the end, and that is price. The domestic market, as we know, is extremely price sensitive. What starting prices can we expect, and how competitive will this price level be with competition?

ADAM: Our goal is to be able to offer vents at an affordable price, the most expensive 2500 is expected to be around HUF 120 gross.

HOC: If we understand correctly, you want to compete with current market leaders in terms of performance, but you want to adjust prices to the lower segment.

PETER: The goal is clearly this, we feel we have succeeded as well. We are good in terms of noise / performance and we have managed to keep prices on the ground.

New Hungarian product on the computer market! 2

HOC: We seem to have reached the end of the questions. There’s nothing left but to wish you a lot of success and selfishly ask when we can try out the fans in the editorial office?

PETER: Within days, scheduled for the week.

HOC: This means that we can apply for a test soon, we are really looking forward to it, hopefully our readers as well. So, in the end, we wish you a good big hat made of that certain material so that in addition to a lot of work, luck will not escape you and your plans will be fully realized!

Thank you for your answers!

PETER: Thanks for the conversation!

HOC: We are also opening a new topic for this article in our forum, please take a look at it so that you can also answer the questions raised by readers! Thank you again for making us available!

Our readers can comment on the article in our forum and ask their questions to the creators here!

About the Author


Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.