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LoL fans attention, Razer and Riot have brought something!

While they can’t guarantee that we can humiliate every level 30 player with these, the uniqueness is mouse pad The MOBA optimized Razer Naga Hex mouse has an amazing amount of clicks - both per minute and throughout its life. In addition to the high-precision laser sensor and 11 programmable buttons, there are also 6 side switches, which could theoretically be of great help to us during League of Legends-style games.

lol moba_mouse

Of course, a $ 90 Razer Naga Hex rodent can’t just be cut on the desk. The marketing skulls also thought of that, so they created the Goliathus mouse pad, which perfectly complements the above mouse miracle - let’s say you should show something for, say, $ 20.

For fans, one more piece of information: in addition to the IP, the kp can also be collected, as the products will be available later this month.

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