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NVIDIA's director of marketing has been arrested

The director was detained at a U.S. airport after threatening a bomb on an airplane.


According to Yushing Lui, this is just an innocent joke. Lui was just taking his seat on Cathay Pacific Airways ’flight to Hong Kong when the flight attendant approached him and tried to help off his jacket. Meanwhile, he asked if there was anything important to Lui in the jacket pocket, to which he was told there was a bomb in the jacket. Lui argues he just wanted to jokingly say that the flight attendant didn’t think he had a million dollars in his jacket pocket.

After that, a member of the San Francisco Airport Police on board picked up the case, but of course found no explosive structure.

After the antecedents in the U.S., it’s no wonder they take similar threats seriously, so it’s utterly surprising that Yushing Lui has baked such a vile joke. Of course, it could also be that a Fermi was lurking in his pocket. 🙂

By the end of the news, it’s a small joke that characterizes the situation well. Somewhere I read that the name of the correspondent delegated to New York by MTV (Hungarian Television) posed the greatest danger, which it was not advisable to say out loud in a larger crowd. Of course it's about Krisztina Bombera.

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