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An unpleasant thing happened to the Minecraft players

An unpleasant thing happened to the Minecraft players

Avast reported that it contained a skin virus that could be downloaded from the official site (!).

An unpleasant thing happened to the Minecraft players

The malicious application was able to do quite serious things, including formatting the hard drive, arranging backups and system programs. In addition to all this, the virus has even had time to insult the user in a variety of ways: a computer-savvy user may have been quite intimidated when it suddenly appeared on the screen that he had to buy a new machine.

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According to the information, roughly fifty thousand players could have been infected - a relatively modest number compared to the 74 million player camp. The antivirus company speculates that the attackers chose Minecraft because it is (usually) played by young players who are inexperienced in the world of computing.

Source: Avast

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