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Mozilla Firefox 3.6.24 is ready

Mozilla Firefox 3.6.24 is ready

Mozilla Firefox 3.6.24 is readyAnyone who wants to stay at line 3.6 for some reason can now feel free to download the 3.6.24 release.

According to StatCounter statistics, Firefox 3.6 is still the second most popular version. This is probably due to the fact that Mozilla has still not announced when the support cycle for this line will expire. Of course, no major innovations have been made now, but some vulnerabilities and stability vulnerabilities have been fixed. Firefox 3.6.24 has released an upgrade prompt that predicts that foundation programmers do not want to deal with this branch any further in the future. 

Firefox 8.0 is now the official release date, but the new version will be available from us over the weekend. downloadable volt.




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