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Apple repulsed the attack on the clones

Apple has won the long legal battle against clone maker Psystar.

Psystar came to the forefront in July 2008 when it began marketing machines for use with Apple's operating system. Apple claims the company has violated copyright, trademark and license agreements, while Psystar says users have the right to run legally purchased software in other environments.

Apple repulsed the attack on the clones
A Psystar machine

However, the Northern California court has now ruled in Apple’s favor, meaning Psystar can prepare for Apple’s damages lawsuits. At the same time, Psystar is trying to pursue another new lawsuit in the Florida court at the company’s headquarters.

According to the news, not all issues have been clarified in the case, so the court on trademarks, breaches of contract and unfair competition issues will still meet on December 14th.

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