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37 million iPhones found owners in the last quarter

37 million iPhones found owners in the last quarter

According to the news, Apple closed a very good year.

37 million iPhones found owners in the last quarter

Apple has also officially released its results for the last quarter of 2011 (October 1-December 31). That statement reveals that the apple company sold more than $ 37 million in iPhones during the period, adding that this means devices that have actually been sold, not just what is shipped to stores. This 37 million number is interesting just because Nokia is expected to sell just as many WP7 smartphones this year.

But let’s get back to Apple: The announcement even revealed that the company was able to close the quarter with a profit of $ 13 billion, exceeding all expectations, so it is quite certain that there could be no reason for the complaint from management.

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