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The world's smallest Linux computer

The German Kleinhenz Elektronik structure called picotux 100 is eligible to apply for the title of the world's smallest Linux computer.

It weighs 18 grams and has a PCB-free size of 35 × 19 × 19 mm. So it’s just bigger than an RJ45 connector. Still, it includes a 55 MHz ARM-7 processor, 2 MB of flash memory, 8 MB of SDRAM, a 10/100 MBite Fast Ethernet interface, and a serial output.

The world's smallest Linux computer
The RJ45 connector is given as an example

It consumes 3,3 milliamperes per hour at a voltage of 250 volts. It can be operated even in very extreme temperature conditions, according to the manufacturer it can be used in the range of -40 and +85 degrees Celsius.

The drop is powered by uClinux and Busybox 2.4.27 version 1.0. The former compresses Linux into a memory module, while the latter is to store some UNIX utilities in a single small shell binary.

The world's smallest Linux computer
The world's smallest Linux computer: picotux 100

On request, Kleinhenz also provides a development environment (GNU / GCC 3.4.4) for the picotux 99, which can be ordered for € 25 (approximately HUF 000).

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