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We can get our files back for a ransom

Security companies say Trojans that encrypt files and demand ransoms are a growing threat. In many cases, the damage they cause can only be repaired with backups.

Kaspersky Labs experts have pointed out that increasingly complex and increasingly difficult-to-use technologies are used by Trojans, which encrypt files on infected computers and make the codes needed for recovery available only for a ransom. David Emm, an expert at Kaspersky, said that companies that develop antivirus software may not be able to decrypt encrypted files, so it is only possible to restore files if there is a proper backup.

Trojans that encrypt files became more widespread in January. Then a virus called demanded a ransom. This malware has only used 56-bit encryption methods, but the recently released variant already works with 660-bit encryption methods. According to Kaspersky, RSA algorithms are the most popular among virus writers. The company stressed that trojans demanding ransoms are not spreading very fast even today, but due to their growing number and danger, the risks they pose must be taken into account.

Graham Cluley, a Sophos specialist, also confirmed that backups play a very important role in protecting against Trojans that encrypt files. This is because the damage caused by malicious programs that require a ransom can often only be repaired through them.

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