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TOP 10 cell phone list from a slightly different perspective

The Swedish company Krussel publishes its own list every month. Here are the TOP 10 in June!

All we have to mention in any case is that the list is not based on phone sales data. Based on the sales numbers of cases that can be purchased for phones, Krussel selected the 10 mobiles for which most bags and cases were sold. So let's see the rankings!

  1. Sony Ericsson K790i / K800i / K810i
  2. Nokia 6300
  3. Nokia N95
  4. Nokia N73
  5. Blackberry Pearl 8100 C / G / V
  6. Sony Ericsson K750i / D750i / W800i
  7. Sony Ericsson W810 / 800
  8. Sony Ericsson W880i
  9. Nokia 6233 / 6234
  10. Motorola V3

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