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Tilera: 64 core processor, new technology!

Tilera has come up with a really special CPU that is completely different from current processor market trends.

The technology used for the processor, named TILE64, allows the appearance of up to hundreds or even thousands of core CPUs. This has been achieved by developers by banishing the only central data bus in traditional CPUs. In the Tilera processor, instead, the cores are arranged in an eight-by-eight matrix, and thanks to this structure, all cores are able to communicate with their immediate neighbors.

Tilera 64 core processor, new technology!

What is also very interesting is that all the cores of the TILE64 are considered to be virtually stand-alone processors, operating at 600 to 1000 MHz, with a power consumption of 170-300 mW. Designed primarily for networking and video computing, the CPU is said to be ten times faster than today's dual-core Intel Xeon processors, consuming much less, and generating 30 times less heat.

Tilera 64 core processor, new technology!

Unusually integrated into a traditional PCI Express slot, the TILE64 boasts a total of 5MB of L2 cache, 4 or 2 integrated DDR192 memory controllers, and an amazing operating speed of XNUMX million seconds per second.

Tilera 64 core processor, new technology! 

The Tilera processor is currently available in three variants: the basic model, equipped with two memory controllers, costs $ 435 for a mass order, which corresponds to about 80 forints. According to the manufacturer, the 1 GHz peak model does exist, but is not yet commercially available. Tilera’s latest schedule - based on the same technical foundations - also includes 36 and 120-core processors, so we can expect the palette to expand in the near future.

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