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Sony: The PlayStation 3 is no longer unprofitable

That moment came too, though we had to wait four years for it.


After many years, Sony is finally selling its PlayStation 3 console at a loss. The company has become very optimistic because they believe the console will be able to recoup all the losses so far over time. Analysts conclude that Sony will not launch the successor to the PlayStation 2012 before 3. Understandably, the manufacturer is trying to maximize the PS3 lifecycle, as the Japanese giant’s gaming machine has imposed huge costs on the company. Shuhei Yoshida, Sony's international studio president, said they learned from the case that the development of the PlayStation 4 is already paying close attention to the system's production costs.
Developers need to catch up with the current console generation when implementing XNUMXD and motion sensing technologies. 

PlayStation 3

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