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You can also conquer Skype on PSP

Sony's website for CES at least mentions this new feature of the handheld.


There is no doubt that next week's exhibition in Las Vegas will be prepared by all the companies that offer something with some kind of announcement and product presentation. Those who miss out may face a difficult year.

Sony will be there, of course, though, the crumb of information that has just emerged may not be the biggest novelty during the show. The eye-catching news search engine is again, which has found a feature not yet officially confirmed in the text descriptions of Sony's website for CES. Since it is unlikely to be a mis-typing, we can even be sure that a special version of the Skype chat client will be available on Sony’s popular handheld console after the show.

You can also conquer Skype on PSP

So the knowledge of the PSP will be expanded with another feature soon, the use of which will hopefully be given some presentation at the Sony conference.

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