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NVIDIA tidying up

In recent weeks, a growing flood of rumors has flowed to those interested in the company’s solutions. Now we only look at the most reliable information.
gtx650evgaegypthardware Starting on September 12, the GeForce GTX 660 is causing some confusion. The card has already been made available to OEMs by NVIDIA, but that version is based on the GK104 graphics processor. The chaos strikes here, as the commercially available GeForce GTX 660 is already throwing in a chip codenamed GK106, hence promising other specifications. The differences can be seen below.

nvidia table_v4

 The GK107 does not support GPU Boost.
The EVGA GeForce GTX 650 Superclocked immediately broke with the default operating frequencies, and in a healthy overdrive, the GPU didn’t even stop at 1202 MHz. The GeForce GTX 660 has followed a similar path, with the core spinning at 980 MHz instead of 1046 MHz (Boost can raise it to 1111 MHz), but the pace of onboard memories follows NVIDIA’s recommendation.
The big question is how the GK650 chip utilized on the GeForce GTX 107 performs when there is ample memory bandwidth below it, as it is obvious that the GeForce GT 640 and GDDR3 were not the best pairing. Now with 5,0 GHz GDDR5 chips, this problem can no longer occur. The answer will also be found here on September 12th.
Source: HOC

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