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NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS - Negative rating

A test of the new video card has also been published on our site.

Looking around the net, we can’t be cloudless with the joy of new cards. The GeForce 8600 GTS - expected to be the GT as well - didn’t perform well, especially when looking at the price-performance relationship. As with many, the question has arisen within us as to whether this performance may be enough against ATI’s mid-range cards. It’s true that Canadians haven’t been in the middle class in anything bright lately, but if that changes now, hard days could come for NVIDIA.

It’s also true, of course, that the mid-range is often sold by the big brothers ’goodwill, but lately the voices of those who think the ATI R600 core will sound big despite the many slips, and if so, the the mid-range products of the reds are receiving serious support.

So I recommend our recent article to everyone, and we welcome comments from our readers on the above topics in the forum topic open to the article.

A NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS - to buy or not to buy? article can be read by clicking on the title!

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