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The low-end Pentium CPU will not be discontinued

Contrary to previous plans, Intel will keep the Pentium E2140 alive.

Intel will not discontinue the recently unveiled Pentium E2140 with the arrival of the E26, which will be unveiled on August 2180th. According to the original schedule, the new CPU arriving at the end of the summer, along with the E2160, would have made up for Intel’s low-end Pentium offering, displacing the E2140.

The low-end Pentium CPU will not be discontinued

Intel has backtracked for days, and according to the latest decision, the price of the E2140 - for a minimum order of one thousand - from the current $ 74 to 22 on July 71 and then on August 26 - when the new Pentium E2000 CPU arrives - $ 64 and the dual-core CPU will remain on the market indefinitely as AMD Athlon 64 X2’s 3800+ and 3600+ main competitor.

The low-end Pentium CPU will not be discontinued

The low-end Pentium CPU will not be discontinued

The low-end Pentium CPU will not be discontinued

The low-end Pentium CPU will not be discontinued

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