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We can’t believe our eyes, the iPhone X runs Windows 95

We can’t believe our eyes, the iPhone X runs Windows 95

This is not the first time that the Hacking Jules YouTube channel has been in the news with such animals.

We can’t believe our eyes, the iPhone X runs Windows 95

Not only did the guy install Microsoft’s now 22-year-old OS, he also embarked on a loose minesweeper, but he even set fire to the SimCity 2000 city-building simulator and the ancient release of Word. Of course, nowadays, when the iPhone X is already in the off state, it is making circles to the computers that were running Windows 95 at the time, and it is not surprising that everything ran smoothly and smoothly. It’s much rougher that this idea popped out of someone’s head.

The video previously conjured up Windows XP Professional on an iPhone 7.

The Power DOS emulator was the challenge anyway without any major issues, so dread iOS… obviously we were just kidding.

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