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Dismissal at Sony due to negative criticism

Sony has laid off a worker who has posted negative criticism of the upcoming PlayStation 3 on the internet.

Josh Robinson wrote a review of the upcoming PlayStation 3. A very negative. The original has been removed from the Internet (even from Google's repository). Josh was fired by Sony for the article. He openly criticized the PlayStation 3 after working on his development kit for months. He spoke negatively about the system to an extent we would not expect from a person who receives his salary from Sony.

The PS3Week website conducted an interview with him discussing his dismissal from the company, asking about his new job, the ominous article, and the reactions he elicited.

In the interview, Josh says the following about the article:

"I didn't want to cause any problems at all by writing the article. At least two other Sony employees read the article before it was made public. One of them is high-ranking.”

"If I had written an article with nothing but 'sunshine' and 'bunny', I don't think I would have been fired on the spot."

He also said he never intended to harm Sony or the company’s reputation, and he would never have published his article if he knew it would be out of it.

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