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ModBook tablet: not Apple, but Macintosh

The first Macintosh-based tablet was unveiled at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco.

The joint development of Axiotron and Other World Computing has been dubbed ModBook, the world's first Macintosh-based tablet to run Mac OS X by default.

ModBook TabletKP is not Apple, but Macintosh__TITLE CORRECTION__

Being a tablet, the developers, keeping in mind the needs of the target customer audience, decided to abandon the keyboard altogether and choose the stylus-touch solution as one of the possible input methods.

ModBook TabletKP is not Apple, but Macintosh__TITLE CORRECTION__

As the name of the ModBook suggests, it’s really nothing more than a redesigned MacBook. One of the leading manufacturers of digital whiteboards, Wacom, was asked to make its display. Accordingly, it has been endowed with very pleasing capabilities, fully supporting the so-called Inkwell writing and gesture recognition technology found in Mac OS X.

ModBook TabletKP is not Apple, but Macintosh__TITLE CORRECTION__

The tablets, which are currently only available in the US, are available with three levels of equipment, two of which include built-in GPS. The models, which are not very imaginative Good, Better, Best, are priced at 2199, 2399 and 2699 dollars, respectively.

ModBook TabletKP is not Apple, but Macintosh__TITLE CORRECTION__

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