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Sulinet renews - Sulinet + starts

There are things we don't like to comment on. It's like that too. If we do it, some people refer to the constant sourness, while others refer to the lack of sourness. So now we only publish the official information. However, we cannot do without underlining the detail of the following sentence: "devices that no longer have a manufacturer-supplier warranty using trying to connect to what is often referred to as the internet to the World Wide Web ”It reminds me that we didn’t make the mistakes in the text, so we got it.

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The National Institute for Information Infrastructure Development (NIIF Institute) within the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan, the central IT system of Hungarian public education large-scale development of equipment and services for its infrastructure implemented under the Sulinet + (pronounced: sulinet plus) program.

Minden new educational institutions (about 5000 schools nationwide) network devices until the end of 2014.


The long-awaited development started on November 2013, 21 in Budapest. THE public education computer network infrastructurecomputer a (well-known called sulinet) has become obsolete for years, with the vast majority of schools 8-9 old, no longer manufacturer-guaranteed warranty using trying to connect to what is often referred to as the internet to the world wide web.

It was supported by the European Union with about HUF 1,3 billion under the development of old equipment more than 4500 pieces of modern replaced by the NIIF Institute. This is the first step in the development, which using new devices with GigabitEthernet ports prepares for a later phase of the actual bandwidth should not be an obstacle to the expansion of Installation of new devices outside the NIIF Institute in Pest County - a by replacing faulty old devices - it has already begun. The new intensive installation work for endpoint network devices starting in November scheduled to commission 20 to 30 endpoints per day, nearly one for years.

Development of the data network infrastructure now called Sulinet + the second element is the expansion of backbone capacity and the system important for the reliability of the development of dense t + i the sulinet) y in one development of redundancy. In doing so, the equipment is already installed information transfer will increase with the further development and expansion of speed and reduce any errors that may occur during the transmission of information probability. All this is not limited to the performance characteristics of Sulinet + and will result in significant progress in its service parameters, but also allows for Sulinet + independent bandwidth expansions.

The third element in the development of Sulinet + data network infrastructure is a expansion of application / backbone capacity (eg microwave technologies), which allows earlier access to the network high-bandwidth connections to inaccessible schools.

In addition to the renewal of the data network, together with the construction of Sulinet +, the NIIF Institute is also expanding the range of infrastructure services and so modern, XXI. century web solutions are reaching schools like live video broadcasts and real-time video connections are later even virtual the possibility of gradually realizing reality.

The new Sulinet + infrastructure as part of HBONE + in Europe will also enable high quality IT services for students and teachers of public educational institutions, created including national researchers of the European Union outside Hungary and schools also have the opportunity to work with teacher networks for.

Miklós Nagy, director of the NIIF Institute at the grand opening of the project stressed: “The most important task of the Sulinet + project is to have all domestic public education institution of adequate technical quality endpoint network device. This allows for all such an institution with high bandwidth can connect to the domestic nationwide to the Internet backbone provided by the research network, and for public education services available through it, but even abroad their partner institutions. The high-speed applicator network is expanding capacity and network services application services for educational institutions also, which so far have used only very low speed broadband technology connected to the network. "

The new Sulinet + project is the European Union for National Development It supports about HUF 1,3 billion through the Agency (TIOP 1.1.3 and KMOP 4.6.1_E projects). In the framework of the development project, the schools with the new, state-of-the-art high-speed Internet connection assets will be received by the end of 2014.

About the Author


Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.