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The new iMONs have arrived!

IMON is perhaps the most mature multimedia controller available on the market for computers, so it’s worth keeping an eye on the company’s developments.


Two new models have arrived at the domestic distributor. One is an updated version of the already known and popular VFD, but the other is a completely new piece.

The new iMONs have arrived!

The VFD received a redesigned remote control, which the manufacturer also developed with new software. The new program is now HD Ready, which means that the interface is also capable of displaying in high resolution, and of course, it also displays movies in their original resolution. For those who would not be happy enough, we report that the program now recognizes and also plays the materials packaged in the MKV container. The only icing on the cake is that it is compatible with Windows Media Center, and you can even choose the Media Center remote control from the software settings.

The new iMONs have arrived!

The new development is the iMON Mini, which is really small for its name. With a completely new remote control and IR receiver, the manufacturer is targeting owners of portable machines. The receiver itself can be mounted on top of the display, it is most reminiscent of a webcam on the outside, it is connected to the machine via a USB port. The remote control was also made in the spirit of the mini name and portability, which, as we wrote, is a completely new development. The Mini, of course, already got the HD Ready software next to the VFD.

Those interested in this product will soon be able to read a presentation on our pages.

End users can find iMON products on the importer's website at and for resellers address is recommended.

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