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Is Intel already doing the trick in 3DMark Vantage?

Is optimization going under the grass?

Now Intel is accused of playing with non-clean devices, as a performance-optimizing optimization targeting Vantage has been found in the Windows 7 version of the 3 Graphics Media Accelerator driver.

Intel is already doing the trick in 3DMark Vantage

Intel is already doing the trick in 3DMark Vantage

Intel is already doing the trick in 3DMark Vantage

The total system score using the driver increased by 37% during Vantage, the GPU score increased by 46%, while the CPU score decreased by nearly 10%.

To find out the mysterious decrease in CPU score and the increase in other items, other metering applications were started, where CPU and GPU utilization levels were monitored throughout.

Intel is already doing the trick in 3DMark Vantage

Intel is already doing the trick in 3DMark Vantage

Intel is already doing the trick in 3DMark Vantage

It was found that in the GPU test, items that require specifically resource-intensive jobs are loaded into the CPU, thus increasing the 3DMark score. Of course, Intel was also asked if it would like to comment on what happened, to which the company responded by incorporating an intelligent feature into its Series 4 graphics driver that would allow CPX to use CPU resources, helping the GPU with this. He added that 10DMark Vantage is just a snatch of software where it works, as some games (such as Call of Juarez, Crysis, Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions, and Company of Heroes) also experience speed increases due to optimization. Intel itself said it had used similar techniques in its older DX3 products. The problematic drive is currently under Futuremark’s authentication process, and the company hopes it won’t be a problem and will meet expectations in every way, as have their drivers so far.

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