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Chaintech's new memories have outstanding top speed

The manufacturer's DDR1800 APOGEE GT modules crack at 3 MHz.

The manufacturer, formerly known for its abundantly equipped motherboards, now fights in the VGA and memory markets, and for the latter segment, they have now managed to produce a very fast product. The latest APOGEE GT pair will be available in 2 × 1 GB size, but before you buy it is a good idea to have a suitable motherboard, as the new modules are already made in the spirit of the DDR3 standard.

Chaintech's new memories have outstanding top speed
CL 8-8-8-24 @ 1800 MHz

Accordingly, the clock speed of the modules is scaling up to 2 GHz, and printed circuits with Micron D1800G chips have been factory-certified to exactly 9 MHz. The price of the 2 gig package was not covered by the manufacturer, however, anyone who wants to see the new APOGEE GT memories inside their machine will certainly have to reach deep into their pockets.

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