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Sony Ericsson is attacking with another XPERIA mobile

The XPERIA Pureness has a clear display.

Introducing a few days ago X2 In addition, the manufacturer is apparently planning to launch a new XPERIA model on the market: the model formerly known as X3 or "Kiki" but eventually named "Pureness" will not be a smartphone with a full-fledged keyboard compared to its predecessors. will position the device in the middle category. Its shape and the range of materials used in its production are not the same, as we can welcome Sony Ericsson's first luxury model in the person of Pureness: the company not secretly wants to compete with the Nokia Arte series with the introduction of the new XPERIA model, which poses quite a challenge to the Japanese-Swedish company. In view of this, it is not at all surprising that the manufacturer put all its knowledge into the innovation, which resulted in the birth of the world's first mobile phone equipped with a transparent display. Although the idea is by no means new, Sony Ericsson will certainly be the first company in the world to use the spectacular solution in a mass-produced device.

 Sony Ericsson attacks with a better XPERIA mobile phone

No more information about its mobile capabilities has been released yet, but the manufacturer promises that all the details will come to light in November this year.

Sony Ericsson attacks with a better XPERIA mobile phone

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