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More information about the Apple iPhone

More crumbs of information have come to light about Apple’s first mobile phone, but unfortunately there are still no official pictures.

Recently we reported that Apple has commissioned Foxconn, which also makes iPods, to produce 12 million iPhones that could hit store shelves in the first half of 2007.

According to AppleInsider, the phone's camera will be 2 megapixels, and they also reported in one of their news that a so-called iPhone 2 is already being prepared, which will also include the iChat chat program, already well-known on Macintosh computers.

more information about the Apple iPhone
iChat AV: Not free, part of Mac OS or sold separately

Unfortunately, it is not known whether this iPhone 2 is the same as the iPhone Pro we also mentioned, or whether it will really be the final type designations. In any case, we are looking forward to the first real - not Photoshop - images of the device (s).

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