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Infocommunication cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Hungary

Vilmos Vályi-Nagy, State Secretary for Infocommunication of the Ministry of National Development (NFM), has agreed to set up a Hungarian-Saudi infocommunication working group in Riyadh, and the inaugural meeting of the board will be held in Budapest, the ministry informed MTI on Wednesday.saudi-arabia-images3 During his official visit to Saudi Arabia, the Secretary of State met with, among others, IT Minister Mohamed Jamil Mulla. The representative of the Saudi government said that the number of Saudi students studying in Hungary would be significantly increased by about a thousand, primarily in medical and engineering-IT courses.

The negotiators agreed to support the implementation of joint IT and telecommunications investments and to initiate the preparation of a bilateral agreement on investment protection.

The Hungarian delegation, which was attended by a significant number of Hungarian businessmen, was received by the management of Saudi Telecom Company. The company is the second largest company in Saudi Arabia. The meeting focused on business investments and the preparation of agreements, the NFM said.

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