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That's how Buksi will be a really cool dog

That's how Buksi will be a really cool dog

Again, we can’t stop ourselves from writing about a funny little thing.

That's how Buksi will be a really cool dog

YWXLight is the last one with a lightsaber has been added to our site, now again we have “brought” an animal good product from them. There will be no surprises based on the opening image, it is a collar, the special feature of which is that it can be lit in various modes - slow and fast flashing, and continuous mode. The cut-to-size LED strip is 70 cm long, the device can be charged via microUSB (cable required). The capacity of the battery was not specified by the distributor, according to the first customer opinion, we should not expect an outstanding value. On the other hand, we already know the brightness, or rather we got a little crumb of information, because we receive the value of 200-300 lumens with great doubt. The lifespan of LEDs is over 30 hours, so let’s not draw far-reaching conclusions from this.

This is not exactly the case, but it works very similarly!

The big question is what our dog has to say about this, because otherwise the gadget can even be useful for an evening walk. Hopefully the plastic collar - which has the LED strip in it - is really as durable as they write, because in the early days I can easily imagine getting some kicks, scratches, bites. Now let's go, let's see what happens to the cat version…

More info and ordering: Illuminated dog collar (blue, green, orange, pink, red, white)

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