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Three dollar solution

It must have happened to many of them that their companions on public transport were curiously watching the process of writing a message and the characters on the display while writing an SMS. This simple little foil protects against this.

Life is a peep-show (\\ ”peeping-show \\”). Everyone is watching what the other is doing, and in many cases, unfortunately, we cannot prevent it. Shehwa helps us with this, as they presented their simple little foil to be placed on the screen of a mobile phone at an IT exhibition called KIECO in South Korea. Thanks to a clever thing called Magic Screen, the visibility of the screen is reduced by 30 degrees (left / right, top / bottom), so essentially only the phone owner sees what they are doing on the device. Sure, it’s not a huge problem right now for our passenger to see what we’re doing with our cell phones, but for third-generation phones, that situation may change. Think of a tired Korean worker on his way home from his workplace on the bus and check out some websites armed with erotic content to relax. Yet what will be the opinion of the old lady standing next to him when he sees what that poor man is doing on his cell phone? Surely this three-dollar film protects the phone owner from reproachful or curious glances.

Three dollar solution

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