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Google statistics in Hungarian too!

Google's popular statistics page, Analytics, is now available in the official language of Hungary.

As a free market-leading solution, Google Analytics helps top executives, marketers, website owners, and content developers learn more about their site traffic and thus increase the efficiency of their online activities. With a service that summarizes data and statistics in an easy-to-understand format, users can make much more thoughtful and effective decisions. Analyzes can be accessed in several ways: in the form of an e-mailable report, a customizable dashboard view, a map, and a simple text message, so important information is always easily accessible.

"Google places great emphasis on developing tools that help Hungarian advertisers measure the effectiveness of their marketing spend and optimize their activities in this direction. With the help of Google Analytics in Hungarian, advertisers and website owners can get a more accurate picture of their customers' needs, thereby increasing the efficiency of their investment, while providing a better user experience for their visitors," said Brian Clifton, Web Analytics for the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region. head of his business. "We are happy to announce that our website traffic analysis service is available in more and more languages. The number of supported languages ​​is currently 25, making Google Analytics the most international of similar products in the industry," concluded Clifton.

Google Analytics in Hungarian will be integrated with Google AdWords. The Analytics toolbar will automatically appear on the AdWords user screen in the coming weeks.

You can try Google Analytics at page where you must follow the instructions after signing up. THE website for tips on using Analytics by watching the tutorial video.

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