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Private file sharing is legal if the user is not looking for it

The ProArt rights organization failed to shut down the Hungarian DC ++ hub called Diablo, wrote.

Despite the seizure of the DC ++ server and other legal action, ProArt has not been able to prosecute, and even the owner of Diablo would sue. This is because the hub is not a warez FTP server or possibly a CD ripping plant that is shut down one after the other; people download files from each other’s machines. According to ProArt, this is a private copy, but you would already need permission to share it. Unfortunately, the Hungarian case law shows otherwise: it is a criminal offense only if the user derives a financial benefit from it - and this is not the case due to the free nature of DC ++. ProArt has identified and reported Diablo users as a substitute private prosecution, which will be reported in a later article on the website. The full article is Indexes readable.

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