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GKB cameras - with the simplicity of a slap

As our article revealed in the IP camera market, a truly new, so to speak, revolutionary service has emerged with GKB cameras and the software associated with them. The big mistake of this article is that this new feature, that is, the one-click installation, has come up with the fewest words, which is no wonder, as not much can be discussed at the point of grabbing the camera and dragging it into the window and then puffing, it already works. Best of all, this service will be just as helpful for professionals working on more serious systems as it is for those who want to cut into a 1-2 camera solution at home without any training. Moreover, we can say that in the former case, this help is more significant than when we really only use one or two cameras.

GKB cameras - with the simplicity of a slap 1

In the HOC TV program dealing with GKB cameras, we mentioned that a service has been launched within the framework of T-Home, where a piece of camera is offered to our home with a rather attractive entry fee and a constant monthly fee. This is a tempting service for those who didn’t even dare to get involved in setting up a camera themselves. From now on, however, they don’t have to pay thousands of monthly fees either, at least not at all, if they buy a GKB camera. All you have to do is install a software that speaks Hungarian (eZ VIEW, eZ PLAYER), then a cable to the router, a power supply to the walled-up rack, and everything works.

GKB cameras - with the simplicity of a slap 2

We hope that the previous pages have convinced everyone that if you are thinking about purchasing an IP camera these days, you should not miss GKB from the calculation. What’s more, we encourage everyone to choose from these solutions if you want an easy-to-deploy system that you can monitor from anywhere in the world.

For those who were not convinced by the article, we recommend that you watch our live broadcast, of course now on recording!

GKB cameras - with the simplicity of a slap 3

As it is appropriate to evaluate the assets we have, we will do the same. GKB cameras get 10 out of 10 points from us. The goods exactly match the prices of similar solutions available on the market, but the software is light years ahead. We found only one small negative, which, in turn, was not enough to deduct points for it. And this is the lack of zone setting for motion detection.


GKB IP cameras and software

So overall, we liked the cameras, in fact, I really liked them! thank you for To Kelly-Tech Ltd., to the Hungarian distributor that we could try them!

About the Author


Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.