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Ubuntu Tweak has been updated

Ubuntu Tweak has been updated

Ubuntu Tweak transforms the settings into a "single window", so we can manage the modification of many parameters by starting this one program.

Ubuntu Tweak has been updated

Ubuntu Tweak is an application with the help of which we can easily make quite a few settings that would otherwise be more difficult to find, or that we wouldn't even think of changing. Under the Overview tab, we can see a concise overview of the most important features of our machine, and Tweaks is used to make essential changes. The new version already supports the Ubuntu 12.04 operating system, in the Unity section you can change the Dash color and font, and you can hide the "Session Control" in the case of Lubuntu. Do not look for the option to change the background in the login section, as the developers have removed it.

ubuntu-tweak-061-0ubuntu-tweak-061-1ubuntu-tweak-061-3Download Ubuntu Tweak 0.6.1 here can be started. 


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