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Can mining flourish?

Can mining flourish?

Samsung's bold venture has been confirmed, and it's worth noting.

Can mining flourish?

According to the news, the well-known South Korean company will produce application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) that will be specifically used for mining. In Samsung’s latest financial statements, a “new Chinese customer appearance” appeared as a significant item, it is very likely that the company has already received the order to produce ASICs. The market is very profitable anyway, but at the same time it is quite unpredictable, of course a giant company of this size can boldly take risks.

Needless to say, the move will certainly increase competition and may also help restore market balance, as devices designed for such a target task are clearly more efficient than other components (processor, video card). Hopefully, others besides Samsung will see a perspective on this - TSMC has been supplying custom ASICs for some time - and then we can see a substantial improvement in graphics cards in a few months. 


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