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Season opener - plans and hopes for 2019!

Season opener - plans and hopes for 2019!

I promise you won’t get that kind of reasoning every month, but it’s still worth opening the year!

Season opener - plans and hopes for 2019!

I’m trying to keep it short so there won’t be pretty pictures, just text, the point!

HOC woke up from what it heard in March and April 2017, and a lot of water has flowed down the Danube since then. For the most part, the hopes at the time seem to be coming true, and that brings with it a lot of new and hopefully good things.

First and foremost for me, the financial background and revenue side have remained stable over the past year. There will be little to get rich, but it is enough to take a deep breath and dive into a business again. It seems a bit steep to me too, but by the end of the year, the state had reached a time when I no longer had enough time for either my main job or things to do around the page, so I had to decide where to go next.

You know, the revenue from the site is the commission on your purchases, nothing else. There are no sponsors, banners, advertisements, paid articles and content, just what we get after purchases. That’s why I really feel the weight of jumping into it with two one-year-old kids. I can only hope that the work invested and the trust that comes from you will be enough to keep the family from starving.

It will be a big shift for me and a great shift for the site as well. The content will expand, there will be more articles, news and I will finally be able to start working on video again. So overall, it will be good for everyone, but especially for me, because I can be home with my partner and my guys. 🙂

You may know that in addition to HOC, I also carry three indexed blogs. That wasn't enough of a task for me, so our new site, the, where HOC will be largely independent of content, with editors who will only write there. From the name it is clear that the editors of the site will deal with Chinese stuff here as well, they will write about most of the widgets on which Android is running. Since I even felt little about this I take two more sides around my neck that are owned by a very old friend of mine. These and the We are also trying to create a stable financial background for these sites, linking them somewhat to the content of HOC and Chinaadroid. This will be a further expansion of ours, and we can now say that the elements of the family of sheets that converge in my hands. You will find even more content and writing on our pages.

At the end, Facebook is left, which is currently the link between all my pages and blogs and all sorts of content that can be linked to me. The number of people on our Facebook pages grew dynamically last year, except for the unfortunate day when Xiaomi deleted the Facebook page of the Xiaomi blog, leaving a community of more than 3000 people there. I haven’t been in shock since, but the next day I worked to keep life from stopping. So Facebbok spins on. If you are interested in our content and articles, you can join the Xiaomi grouphoz, To the side of HOC, To Gadgetshopbut if you are only interested in discount shopping you should not be sad either, there is one for this as well our group, we don't promote articles here, it's all about coupons. Of course, the new site, Chinese Droid, also has a Facebook Groupso if you are interested in the topic, join it too.


In short, that's it. A lot of plans, a lot of tasks, a lot of hope, and then how it will fit in 24 hours again, I don’t really know. Somehow we'll try to get in the way!

Thank you very much, readers and customers, for honoring us with your trust and interest last year, we hope you will spend the new year with us! Thank you for your help, support for your purchases! I ask you to spread the good news of our sites in the world, to bring your acquaintances as well, they will also receive from me, from us, what you have received so far. I help anyone who requests this, be it a shopping problem or technical advice.

I wish you a successful year 2019, and of course ourselves!

About the Author


Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.