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GIMP 2.8 is ready

GIMP is a great image editor that, unlike Adobe Photoshop, is free to use.


2.8-math-in-size-entriesThe application has similar capabilities to Adobe's popular image manipulator. From the basic point of view, we can further expand a considerable number of services and functions through the plug-ins. The development of the latest version has taken an extremely long time, and accordingly a good number of new products have arrived. Perhaps one of the most important is that instead of the previous multi-window display, we can now choose to display all items in one window. For more convenient use, we can place several small windows side by side within a window, the layers can be grouped, changes have been made when editing texts, and a new menu item has appeared in the File menu and of course new brushes have arrived. Interestingly, when resizing images, you can even specify the desired size using a mathematical formula. 


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We can already convert it to PDF format. [+] 


Expenditure comments document in very fat here readable. 






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