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Double saving from China - cheap LED lamps

Double saving from China - cheap LED lamps

You save 50 percent on the price of the burner, then 90 percent on the electricity bill. Looks like a good store!

Double saving from China - cheap LED lamps



Once there was no place, there was once a kitchen in which round spot lamps were mounted in the frieze at the top of the top cabinet. These were small lamps, halogen lamps that ate 60 watts each. They did insane heat, care had to be taken not to leave the cabinet door open, because if it was just under the lamp, it would inevitably burn. Five of these lamps did their thing, it’s not hard to calculate that the five tiny light bulbs devoured 300 watts. In today’s world, this is brutal consumption. Then one burned out, a little later a second burned out, that’s when I started looking for burners in my favorite web store. It was only two days since the third also said goodbye to this yellow ball and closed his yellow-glowing eyes forever. And by then, I had already looked at the prices, selected the burner I liked, and even ordered a pack of five. I was a little scared that after the good old and bright halogens I wouldn’t see anything, but I risked it.


LED lighting technology and past, advantages

LED lighting is still a young technology compared to traditional light bulbs. It was invented just 50 years ago and may sound strange, but the first LEDs, although similar in operation to those used today, were illuminated in the infrared range invisible to us. The first visible light emitting diode (Light Emitting Diode) was developed in 1962 by a certain Nick Holonyak, the younger one, but we had to wait for more than a decade for real breakthroughs, exactly until 1972. The blue light that appeared at that time was embedded in the endless development that has taken place to this day, and in the fact that LED lighting is slowly pushing all competing solutions off the market these days.

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Initially low-emission pieces flashed only on hobby PCBs, later included in the displays of various devices, such as the volume status bar in the old hi-fi, but even then it could be read that the technology has a great future and later even as autonomous lighting. they will also be able to be built into cars. We didn’t believe it either, we waited for the nice LED lighting time and we didn’t have to be disappointed. The LEDs are here, they surround us from everywhere, they look back at us from behind the screen of our monitor, also from our phone and the street lights (thanks Elios for darkening up with us too).

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LED lighting has almost only advantages over traditional luminaires, and let’s include recent energy-saving solutions. The old incandescent lamps worked very poorly, but we loved them because they had a friendly, natural light. We didn't like the energy-saving solutions called neon, or the later modernized socket, because they were unfriendly in light and vibrated, and the warm-up time of the mercury-vapor-based lamps was considerable, they consumed electricity until then. Halogen used to seem like a good idea, it was a bit friendlier to consume than incandescent bulbs and the luminaire was tiny. In return, this also shed heat, and if most of the energy injected is not heat, but heat, then this cannot be called frugal either.

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LED lighting, on the other hand, is cheap. Now you can buy it at a relatively friendly price. It lasts almost ten times the life of a filament pear, can withstand up and down switching, does not need to warm up, lights up at almost full brightness immediately after switching on, and the color and temperature of the light can be determined and even controlled in a modern, more expensive burner. Finally, consumption. Compared to traditional incandescent or halogen solutions, consumption drops by about a tenth, and if we believe statistics that say that with old luminaires, 30 percent of the average electricity demand of an average household went to lighting, we realize that LED and with lighting, we can really save a lot compared to the traditional one, and let’s not even talk about protecting the earth in the meantime. You know, protect the trees, eat beavers!

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Replacement of halogen lamps with Chinese LEDs

So, I interrupted the story I started in the introduction there because I was a little afraid of oco Chinese lamps, mostly that after the strong halogen, there would be the twilight of cozy sunsets in the kitchen, which can be cozy anyway, but not while cooking.

Clearly, I was researching a lamp on GearBest, not as if it couldn’t be ordered from anywhere else, but here I’ve been collecting points for a long time, so there’s always a redeemable one that will further cheapen the already cheap stuff. I also found a package that fortunately contained exactly five lamps, and five of them were cheaper than if I had bought one by one.

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Here comes the first significant saving point! I looked at the domestic prices, and the lamps, which, like the GearBest, have a wattage of 7 watts and a lumens of 650 lumens, start at an altitude of about 1000 forints, the brands can go up to 3500-4000 forints. The package I ordered, so the price of the five lamps, is $ 12, which is roughly 3400 forints. For that much money, I only found dimmer lamps at home.

It is important to note that currently the white, cold-gloss version costs so much, the warm-gloss is at roughly double the price. However, I thought that since the kitchen cabinet is a little darker birch in color, the reflected light will be more yellow anyway, so a cold light lamp will be good for me too. The plan got a proven, really friendly light. For you, if you have white, glossy kitchen furniture, I would definitely recommend the warm light, but if the kitchen front is darker and friendlier, it will be good for the cheaper one as well.

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Now let's get to the brightness. I was really afraid that the 7-watt burner wouldn’t be enough, but the result exceeded my expectations. Understand this, not only is the lamp stronger than I expected, but also stronger than the halogen used so far. At the same time, the milk glass-like cover in front of the LEDs scatters the light well, it does not dazzle, and overall I got a very combo brightness, a friendly color.

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The other half of the savings is clear. So far, the five halogens have eaten 300 watts, now the five LEDs are eating 35 watts. I developed this by extending my Xiaomi smart home to the kitchen, installing a smart connector to which the lights on the top of the cabinet are connected, and exposing a tiny motion sensor that automatically turns on the lights when we go out to the kitchen and then 2 automatically shuts it off after one minute. Let's count. Because of our laziness, the lamp on top of the cabinets often stayed for years, I ran into the computer for 5-10 minutes until the food warmed up, for example I never turned it off. Only the 1-hour operation of the kitchen lamp cost 10 forints. With our negligence, it worked on average 2 hours a day, including the winter and summer periods, ie we can count on a monthly consumption of 30 x 2 x 10 = 600 forints. Using the LED lamp, this average consumption is reduced by HUF 520 per month, and the price of an LED lamp is HUF 680. In other words, we ultimately saved the price of new burners in less than a month and a half, and from then on, the savings came.



It is quite clear that an LED lamp eats much less than an older conventional burner. That is, we save. However, it no longer matters whether we bring in the price of new burners in, say, a year and a half or 6-7 months with savings. Even assuming that the cheap Chinese will deteriorate faster than the expensive Philips, due to the eightfold price difference, it is better to buy up to 2-3 Chinese than a more expensive brand. The light will be light anyway, the consumption will decrease by the same amount anyway. Who says the installed burner is not an expensive and branded piece? Well, right!

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So the point is that my design has proven itself, now since the beginning of summer, LED lights scatter light in the kitchen, the switch combined with a motion sensor, all sip super.

I bought this lamp: EXUP GU10 650 lm

Here you will find all kinds of LED lights: Lots of LED lights for all kinds of sockets

About the Author


Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.