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Students at the University of Óbuda are developing Android applications for LG phones

Students at the University of Óbuda are developing Android applications for LG phones

Students at the University of Óbuda are developing Android applications for LG phonesThe South Korean manufacturer is helping the institution with a study contribution, in exchange for students specializing in mobile informatics to develop Hungarian-language Android applications for LG phones. 

“With the support of the University of Óbuda, the goal is to create a cooperation that is mutually beneficial. Thanks to the joint work, young people can get acquainted with phones running the Android operating system, learn how to design deservedly popular applications, and gain experience in the corporate sphere before completing their studies. And LG Electronics can install Hungarian-language applications on its Android phones that will undoubtedly be popular with customers. ” Said Young Woong Lee, Managing Director of LG Electronics' Hungarian-based subsidiary.

 “Thanks to the contract, students will still be in contact with the economic sphere during their studies, which will undoubtedly help students find employment after graduating from university. And our institution can improve its laboratories so that students have as many opportunities as possible during their university years, ”added Dr. Mihály Réger, Deputy Rector of Science of the University of Óbuda.
LG started cooperating with the Institute of Telecommunications of the Kálmán Kandó Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Óbuda in December 2010, which was expanded this year to include the János Neumann Faculty of Informatics. In Kandós students in groups, they developed Hungarian-language Android applications on LG Optimus GT540 phones, of which the three most successful applications were a mobile parking, a bicycle on-board computer and a computer remote control application. Two of the three will now be added as pre-installed applications on the latest LG Android devices. The creators of the winning applications were enriched with an LG Optimus 2X mobile phone, which was handed over to the contestants by LG’s CEO, Young Woong Lee.

The collaboration has many benefits for both LG and students. Students will be given LG smartphones to use, which will allow them to get acquainted with the Android operating system as well as develop applications freely. Development students can still connect with the profit sector during the university years, get acquainted with the needs and expectations of manufacturers. A small proportion of the currently available Android applications are in Hungarian. Thanks to the cooperation, LG will be able to launch a phone that also meets the needs of Hungarian users and includes applications in Hungarian.

group photo
The image can be enlarged.

The winning applications are:

  • Mobile parking application

The advantage of the app is that you do not need GPS or Internet access to perform parking, so you can manage your parking just as quickly and easily on any Android mobile phone. After installing the application, we need to make some simple settings necessary for operation, specify which service provider we are customers of, and the details of our vehicle. To start parking, all you have to do is select the previously set vehicle and then enter the zone code on the parking meter. If you wish, you can also set the duration of the parking. Parking can be stopped at the touch of a button. Using the app, you don’t always have to go to the parking meter if you want to extend your parking, you can do that from anywhere. Last but not least, you will have to pay a fee corresponding to the parking time for your parking.
The developers of the application are Ádám Kiss and Attila Balta (Kálmán Kandó Faculty of Electrical Engineering).

  • CycleSense (Bicycle on-board computer)

With this application - with the help of GPS and motion sensor - in addition to the usual speed, distance traveled, time data, we can also display altitude, temperature, compass and various diagrams. Everything can be saved, so the data and graphs of any route can be viewed together with all the details. The program also has a map view where we can see our current position. The operation is GPS-based, so it determines our current position, speed, and any additional data based on the position information provided by the GPS satellites. Internet / cell information based query is also supported, so if you have an internet connection on your phone, you can refine your location with cell information in case of a weak GPS signal.
The developer of the application is Berta Norbert (János Neumann Faculty of Informatics).

  • AdlerRC (computer remote control application)

With this app, we can follow the presentation on our Android phone and see the slides even when we are back to the projection. You can also use the application to browse the material without changing the projection. To work with your smartphone via Wi-Fi, you need to connect it to your computer, and the presentation can be controlled using the touchpad. When you open a PowerPoint file through a server, it transfers the slides to your phone, so you can browse the slides in a gallery-like, asynchronous way.
The developer of the application is János Sicz-Mesziár (János Neumann Faculty of Informatics).

“We were very pleased with the opportunity offered by LG Electronics as Android smartphones represent the future in mobile communications. One of the main elements of our studies is that we can put into practice what we have learned at the desk. We have ideas, but many times we miss the opportunity to implement them. ” - said János Sicz-Mesziár, a student of the University of Óbuda, the developer of the AdlerRC application.

Source: Press release

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