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Anomalies around Intel's house

Anomalies around Intel's house

According to the Wall Street Journal, the processor giant notified its Chinese partners sooner than the U.S. government.

Anomalies around Intel's house

The security flaws, known as Specter and Meltdown, were discovered by the Google Project Zero team back in June last year, while Intel kept the problem a secret for many months. According to the plans of the Santa Clara think tanks, the world was supposed to face this very serious problem on January 9, but The Register pulled through the calculations when it published a lengthy article about the case a week earlier. Intel explains this premature leak by not being able to notify all partners in a timely manner, including the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), but some unnamed Chinese companies are already. In the United States, they are not particularly happy that the Chinese leadership is getting news of a security flaw of this magnitude sooner, as now, apparently, any major intelligence agency can work to turn the situation around.

The popularity of others has also declined

After Intel Linus Torvalds, Intel also thoroughly kicked the port with Microsoft. In both cases, the reason can be traced back to the security bug fix; even the former classified the work in an almost intolerant way of printing ink — Torvalds had been famously outspoken in the past — while the latter was much more restrained, yet gently stabbed. So Microsoft has been satisfied that users are complaining about a problem that was certainly caused by a fuzzy fix from Intel, so they have revoked the related update for Windows for the time being - the second Specter (CVE-2017-5715) bug. The parties are essentially pointing at each other, but what is even more troublesome is that they often see statements to the contrary, even though the turmoil is already quite serious.

Source:, Microsoft, Wall Street Journal

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