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2012 could be the year of mobile marketing

Today, we are increasingly turning to mobile devices. We don't just talk to him on the phone, we can also say that we "live" our everyday lives here.


Mobile marketing is carving a growing slice of itself in the market, so it’s definitely worth addressing. This issue was also discussed at the X. Direct Marketing Seminar and Workshop, where they tried to touch on all relevant points of the topic that may be relevant to the profession.


Looking at the measurement data of recent years, it can be stated that the amounts intended for digital marketing have increased by 14% compared to previous years. Regarding mobile marketing, Attila Vámos Hegyi, President of DMSZ, said in his introduction that there is a 41% increase compared to previous years, which means about 17% annually. Looking at mobile advertising, experts say 2010 was a breakthrough, as it was then that this area of ​​advertising came of age. This year, professionals are already using unique and effective techniques that we could not have imagined a few years ago. Shopping on your mobile in minutes, QR code solutions on the subway, on billboards or even when buying tickets, effective, targeted display ads even on the basis of interest.  


By 2015, mobile advertising is projected to account for 20% of digital spending. Then (in principle) every second mobile device will be a smartphone - currently the smartphone penetration is 13%. 



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