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This game will be patched even after 16 years!

This game will be patched even after 16 years!

Of course, it’s a Blizzard masterpiece.

This game will be patched even after 16 years!

He got the biggest improvement in the history of Warcraft 3; there are now up to 24 players in the waiting room, new team colors have emerged, but more importantly, widescreen display support (not with stretching, but with the right aspect ratio) has finally been completed. The complexity of the game is well illustrated by the fact that even after so many years it is necessary to balance the units, the 1.29 patch here, too, it is a step forward. According to the developers, this was the last patch to be installed on Windows XP. It’s also important to note that the update restored the rankings, plus (with a good chance) knocked out previous replays.

w3 widescreen

With his exemplary behavior in this field, Blizzard has repeatedly attracted attention, e.g. the Remastered version of StarCraft already supports 4K monitors, while the basic version has become free.


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