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Caution! iPhone scam!

Just a few days ago, Panda Software's virus and security lab "caught a letter" containing a component of a novel and dangerous attack. The scam targeted the most insane iPhone.

In Hungary, too, many so-called A phishing attack has already taken place, in which cybercriminals have falsified a bank's website in order to obtain confidential information from customers who have been lured there.

The current attack is much more dangerous and more complicated. The Trojan, which spreads mainly through email and websites, is designed to infect as many PCs as possible, but is not necessarily dangerous in itself. However, the attackers also falsified Apple's iPhone site; so those who want to order an iPhone can easily be trapped.

The result of the order placed on the infected PCs is practically an "open invitation to the criminals to our apartment, to which we also attached a key", describes the case Zsolt Sándor, the Hungarian director of Panda Software. Although this danger does not yet threaten Hungarian machines (since there may be very few who give their heads to order such an expensive device from the iPhone), the case is thought-provoking. According to Zsolt Sándor, all this is part of a trend in which attackers rank the most popular sites and use them for their own purposes.

The iPhone has sparked a worldwide hysteria among users who are susceptible to “gadgets,” so the number of people affected could grow significantly.

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