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Who uses such gadgets?

Who uses such gadgets?
Expensive is absolutely not expensive, but does it have any practical use?
I admit, at first glance, I wasn’t very confident about the USB vacuum cleaner. The situation hasn't changed much since then, despite reading the detailed description, it still doesn't come together for me, and it seems more of a joke than a useful gadget.
And the mini vacuum cleaner in the video really tried all the tricks that existed (one head for the keyboard and another for minor dirt, LED lighting, practical size), and then it’s also true that it’s a penny little thing, yet I don’t have the picture of life in front of me. when I vacuum the keyboard - with that. I don't really believe that it will be good for a crumb vacuum cleaner, the computer is not for the kitchen, otherwise I think you don't use the keyboard as a dining tray either. Anyway, the stuff would only cost $ 2,62, as a smaller gift it might just do if it could really fit into our everyday lives.
How do you stand on this issue?
More info and ordering: mini USB vacuum cleaner (black, green, yellow, blue)

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